Delivery prices, shipping methods and estimated timings (excluding 1 day for dispatch):
United Kingdom |
Standard |
from £4.99 |
3-5 days |
Free Delivery |
orders > £35 |
3-5 days |
Spain & Portugal |
Standard |
from €3.99 |
2-3 days |
Express |
from €6.99 |
1-2 days |
Free Delivery |
orders > €35 |
3-4 days |
Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Czechia |
Standard |
from €6.99 |
3-5 days |
Express |
from €16.00 |
2-3 days |
Free Delivery |
orders >€35 |
3-5 days |
Italy |
Standard |
from €8.99 |
4-6 days |
Express |
from €18.00 |
2-4 days |
Free Delivery |
orders >35 |
4-6 days |
Switzerland |
Standard |
from €9.99 |
3-5 days |
Free Delivery |
orders >€35 |
3-5 days |
United States |
Standard |
from $7.99 |
5-10 days |
Taxes & Customs:
Our prices are inclusive of taxes (products & shipping). To every country we ship to in the European Union, we charge you taxes when you make an order, and then we pass the taxes to the relevant country authority via OSS registration in the EU.
To the United Kingdom, we also collect taxes via our VAT registration, and pass them to HMRC on orders under £135.00 GBP. Orders over this amount require Customs import taxes when arriving in the UK, for which the buyer is responsible and are not included in our prices or orders over £135.00 GBP to the UK. We do not control such import charges and for any additional information, please contact the Custom's authorities in the UK.
Shipping prices:
The shipping rates shown above, are as reference for light orders. Our shipping prices vary by weight and are shown at the cart and checkout page for you.
Delivery times & tracking:
The times shown are estimated only, they do not have a guaranted time. While 96% of the orders are delivery within those times, during peak seasons such Christmas, other holidays or special events, it may take a few days more. We add tracking details to your order when dispatching, and you receive an email or sms, with courier and tracking information so you can stay updated by checking it along the journey.
Late delivery or aditional address information required:
In the unlikely eventuality that your delivery is late, please check the tracking if is to be delivered soon or if courier has requested further address information. In that case, we will be able to assist, please contact us and we will pass your updated details to courier.